Describing the personality! Learn useful words to describe the personality and behavior of a person or your own. Personality traits are the attributes possessed by a person, they can be negative or positive.

List of words to describe the personality of a person
- Active: always ready to engage in any activity.
- Aggressive: being eager or angry.
- Ambitious: having a strong desire for success or achievement.
- Arrogant:
- Assertive: aggressively self-assured.
- Augmentative
- Bossy: an autocratic person.
- Careless: lacking in attention or consideration.
- Caring: feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.
- Catty: arising from malice.
- Cautious: error avoider.
- Charismatic possessing an extraordinary ability to attract
- Charming pleasing, or delighting
- Considerate having concern for the rights and feelings of others
- Coy shy especially in a playful or provocative way
- Creative having the ability or power to create
- Curious eager to investigate and learn
- Docile-ready and willing to be taught
- Dogmatic, always thinking you are only right.
- Enthusiastic having great excitement and interest
- Excitable easily gets excited
- Extroverted having concerned with the social and physical environment
- Faithful, loyal and steadfast
- Fickle, erratic changeableness in affections or attachments
- Funny, arousing or provoking laughter
- Fussy annoyed and irritable
- Grumpy annoyed and irritable
- Impulsive proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus
- The introverted opposite of extroverted means a person who avoids people groups and feels more energized spending time alone
- Inventive: having the ability to come up with new ideas or things.
- Irritating: causing annoyance or frustration.
- Jolly: happy and cheerful.
- Kind: having a caring and compassionate nature.
- Logical: based on clear and sound reasoning.
- Manic: characterized by excessive excitement or activity
List of Characeter Traits – image-1

List of Characeter Traits – image-2

List of Characeter Traits – image-3