Welcome to our blog post about things that start with w for preschool! In this post, we’ll teach you about the letter w. We’ve put together a list of easy words that start with the letter “w” for kids in kindergarten and preschool. From Wheels to Worms, this list has everything kids will love! These words will help your child learn new vocabulary and improve their spelling skills.
Plus, we’ve included a worksheet of things that begin with w for preschoolers that you can do with your child to help them learn and enjoy these words! So scroll down and start learning about these exciting and fun topics for your little one!
Table of Contents
- Things that Start with W | Image
- Things that Start with the Letter “W” for Preschoolers
- Words that Start with W for Preschool | Image
- W Words for Preschool
- Easy Words that Begin with W for Kids | Image
- Show and Tell Letter W
- Worksheet for Letter “W’ Words
- Word For Parents
Things that Start with W | Image

Things that Start with the Letter “W” for Preschoolers
- Wagon
- Wall
- Wallet
- Wallpaper
- Walnut
- Walrus
- Wand
- Wardrobe
- Wash basin
- Washing machine
- Washington
- Washroom
- Watch
- Watchman
- Water
- Waterbottle
- Water gun
- Watercolor
- Watermelon
- Wax
- Web
- Weeds
- Well
- Whale
- Wheat
- Wheel
- Wheelbarrow
- Wheelchair
- Whisk
- Whistle
- Wifi
- Wig
- Wind
- Windmill
- Window
- Wine
- Wings
- Winter
- Wire
- Wisconsin
- Wizard
- Wok
- Wolf
- Wombat
- Wood
- Woodpecker
- Wool
- Worker
- World
- Worm
- Wrench
- Wrist
- Wristband
- Wyoming
Words that Start with W for Preschool | Image

W Words for Preschool
- Waist
- Wait
- Wake
- Walk
- Wander
- Want
- War
- Warm
- Warn
- Was
- Wash
- Wasp
- Waste
- Waves
- Way
- We
- Weak
- Wealth
- Wear
- Weather
- Wedding
- Wednesday
- Wee
- Week
- Weight
- Weird
- Welcome
- Well
- Went
- Were
- West
- Wet
- What
- When
- When
- Where
- Where
- Which
- Whisper
- White
- Who
- Whole
- Whoop
- Why
- Why
- Widow
- Width
- Wife
- Wild
- Will
- Win
- Wink
- Winner
- Winter
- Wipe
- Wisdom
- Wise
- Wish
- Wit
- Witch
- With
- Withdraw
- Woe
- Woke
- Woman
- Women
- Won
- Wonder
- Wonderful
- Word
- Work
- Worry
- Worship
- Worst
- Worthy
- Would
- Wound
- Wow
- Wrap
- Wreck
- Wrinkle
- Write
- Wrong
Easy Words that Begin with W for Kids | Image
These are some of the most straightforward words for kids window, wizard, work well, watermelon, wasp, water, worm wand, watch, wall, witch walrus, etc.

Show and Tell Letter W
Objects that start with the letter W for Show and tell ideas include watch, whistle, wheel, whisk, wolf, wrench, whale, worm, etc.

Worksheet for Letter “W’ Words
Here’s an easy worksheet to review the letter W words. You can download it in Pdf below the picture.

Word For Parents
These are the most common and basic words that start with w. However, if you notice your child struggling to understand what these words mean, try to go through the list again differently. For example, change the order of the words or ask them about what they see after each word. This will help them understand each word better and increase their vocabulary!
The best way to ensure these words become a part of their new vocabulary is by teaching them one at a time. Use an action game or play a game where they have to connect the items correctly.
We hope this blog has answered all your questions about what to teach kids about the letter “W” for preschool! Well, if you are looking for more, you may want to check out A to Z household items.