Exploring the world of household items that start with the letter L can be both educational and fun. I’ve compiled a list of household items that not only serve various purposes but also introduce young learners to the letter L. I’ve also included selection of easy and engaging things that start with L specially curated for preschoolers to enjoy and learn from.
Household items that start with L
- Ladder
- Ladle
- Lace
- Ladle rest
- Lamp
- Landline phone
- Lantern
- Lap desk
- Laptop
- Latch
- Laundry basket
- Laundry detergent
- Lawnmower
- Lazy Susan (rotating tray)
- Leaf blower
- Legging
- Legos
- Lemon squeezer
- Lemon zester
- Letter opener
- Letter tray
- Lettuce
- Level
- Lid
- Litter box
- Light switch
- Lightbulb
- Lighter
- Lipstick
- Linens
- Liquid soap dispenser
- Lock
- Locker
- Log holder (for firewood)
- Loofah (shower sponge)
- Lotion
- Lounge chair
- Loveseat
- Luggage
- Lunch tray
- Lunchbox
Things around the house that start with L

Things that start with the letter “L”
Here are some common and easy things that begin with the letter “L” perfect for preschool.
- Lady
- Ladybug
- Lagoon
- Lake
- Lamb
- Lamp
- Land
- Lane
- Laugh
- Laundry
- Lava
- Lay
- Lazer
- Leaf
- Leek
- Leg
- Lego
- Lemon
- Lemonade
- Lens
- Lentils
- Leopard
- Letter
- Level
- Library
- Lifeboat
- Light
- Lighthouse
- Lighthouse beam
- Lily
- Lime
- Lion
- Lips
- Litter
- Little
- Liver
- Lizard
- Llama
- Lobster
- Locket
- Locomotive
- Lollipop
- Loom (for weaving)
- Lounge
- Love
- Lumberjack
- Lunch
- Lunchtime
- Lynx

We hope that you find this information helpful. If you want to discover more house items, you can find them here things around the house.