Male and female animals’ names are the area that many English learners overlook. For example, which gender does a cat have? Is a dog a girl or a boy? There are so many questions that we may be asked. Since the beginning of time, these questions have been raised, so it is essential to know animals’ masculine and feminine gender.
How can you identify the gender of an animal?
First, let’s take a look at some of the common methods for determining gender.
Physical Differences
Some animals have physical characteristics that are typically more or less masculine or feminine. Some examples include:
- The male has longer legs than the female.
- The male has longer horns than the female.
- The male has a deeper voice than the female.
- The male has a thicker mane than the female.
- The male has a more prominent chest than the female.
These physical differences are not necessarily absolute, but they give us clues about what gender an animal is more likely to be. However, these methods can only help us identify a general gender, not an exact one.
Behavioral Differences
The second method for determining the gender of an animal is to look at its behavior. Some examples include:
- Males will fight over females more than females will fight over males.
- Females will protect their young ones and show more care for them than males will.
- Males will make more noise than females do.
- Females are generally less aggressive than males.
These behavioral differences can be useful in determining gender, but they cannot tell us exactly what gender an animal is most
Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals with Images
Here is a list of the names of male and female animals in order to help you memorize them better.

At the end of this post, you will find downloadable pdf file of this entire lesson.
Male Female and Babies of Animals List | image

Male And Female Names Of Animals ppt
Masculine and feminine gender list of animals
Animal | Male | Female |
Alligator | Bull | Cow |
Aardvark | Boar | Sow |
Ant | Winged Males | Queens, Workers |
Ape | Male | Female |
Armadillo | Boar | Sow |
Badger | Boar | Sow |
Bat | Male | Female |
Bear | Boar | Sow |
Beaver | Male | Female |
Bee | Drone | Queen |
Beetle | Male | Female |
Bird | C-ock | Hen |
Bittern | C-ock | Hen |
Bison | Bull | Cow |
Buffalo | Bull | Cow |
Bullock | Heifer | Cow |
Camel | Bull | Cow |
Cat | Tom, Gib | Molly, Queen |
Cattle | Bull | Cow |
Cheetah | Male | Female |
Chicken | Rooster | Hen |
Chimpanzee | Blackback | Empress |
Cockroach | Male | Female |
Coyote | Dog | Bitch |
Crane | C-ock | Hen |
Crab | Jimmy | Hen |
Crocodile | Bull | Cow |
Crow | C-ock | Hen |
Deer | Buck, Stag, Hart | Doe, Hind, Cow |
Dog | Dog, Stud | Bitch, Dam |
Dolphin | Bull | Cow |
Donkey | Jack, Jackass | Jennet, Jenny |
Dove | C-ock | Hen |
Duck | Drake | Duck, Hen |
Eagle | Male | Female |
Elephant | Bull | Cow |
Falcon | Tiercel | Falcon |
Ferret | Hob | Jill, Gill |
Fish | Male | Female |
Finch | C-ock | Hen |
Fly | Male | Female |
Fox | Dog, Todd, Reynard | Vixen |
Frog | Male | Female |
Gaur | Bull | Cow |
Gerbil | Buck | Doe |
Giraffe | Bull | Cow |
Goose | Gander | Goose |
Goat | Billy, Buck | Nanny |
Gorilla | Male | Female |
Grasshopper | Male | Female |
Grouse | Gorcock | Hen, Gorhen |
Guinea Pig | Buck | Doe |
Hamster | Buck | Doe |
Hare | Buck, Jack | Doe |
Hawk | Tiercel | Hen, Haggard |
Hippopotamus | Bull | Cow |
Hornet | Drone | Queen |
Horse | Stallion | Mare |
Hyena | Dog | Bitch |
Kangaroo | Buck, Jac | Jill, Flyer |
Koala | Male | Female |
Leopard | Leopard | Leopardess |
Lion | Lion | Lioness |
Llama | Macho | Hembra |
Magpie | C-ock | Hen |
Mallard | Drake | Hen |
Mink | Boar | Sow |
Mole | Boar | Sow |
Monkey | Male | Female |
Moose | Bull | Cow |
Mouse | Buck | Doe |
Mule | John | Molly |
Nightingale | C-ock | Hen |
Ostrich | C-ock | Hen |
Otter | Boar | Sow |
Owl | Male | Female |
Panda | Boar | Sow |
Parrot | C-ock | Hen |
Penguin | Male | Female |
Pig | Boar | Sow |
Pigeon | C-ock | Hen |
Peacock | Peacock | Peahen |
Polar Bear | Boar | Sow |
Porcupine | Boar | Sow |
Porpoise | Bull | Cow |
Possum | Jack | Jill |
Rabbit | Buck, Jack | Doe, Jill |
Raccoon | Boar | Sow |
Rat | Buck | Doe |
Raven | C-ock | Hen |
Reindeer | Buck | Doe |
Rhinoceros | Bull | Cow |
Rook | C-ock | Hen |
Sea Lion | Bull | Cow |
Seal | Bull | Cow |
Shark | Bull | Female |
Sheep | Ram | Ewe |
Snail | Hermaphrodite | Hermaphrodite |
Snake | Male | Female |
Sparrow | C-ock | Hen |
Spider | Male | Female |
Squirrel | Buck | Doe |
Swan | Cob | Pen |
Termite | Male | Female |
Tiger | Tiger | Tigress |
Turtle | Male | Female |
Turkey | Turkey-C-ock | Turkey-Hen |
Viper | Male | Female |
Wallaby | Jack | Jill |
Whale | Bull | Cow |
Wolf | Dog | Bitch |
Wombat | Jack | Jill |
Woodpecker | C-ock | Hen |
Yak | Bull | Cow |
Zebra | Stallion | Mare |
Male And Females OF Animals Name With Pictures
























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Also, Check the Ultimate List Of Animal And Birds Sounds
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