This lesson will teach the human body parts’ names in Urdu and English with their pictures. I have divided this lesson into five parts. In the 1st part, you will discover whole body part names from head to toe, In 2nd back parts of the body, in 3rd parts of the head, in 4th parts of the hand and in last part of this lesson you will learn internal organs of the human body.
Learn parts of the body to boost your vocabulary.
List Of Body Parts In English, Urdu & Hindi
English | Urdu | Roman Urdu |
Face | چہرہ | chehra |
Head | سر | sar |
Hai | بال | baal |
Forehead | پیشانی | peshani |
Eye | آنکھ | aankh |
Nose | ناک | naak |
Mouth | منہ | munh |
Chin | ٹھوڑی | thorhi |
Throat | گلہ | gala |
Shoulder | کندھا | kandha |
Eyebrow | بھوئیں | bhooien |
Ear | کان | kaan |
Cheek | گال | gaal |
Jaw | جبڑا | jabra |
Neck | گردن | gardan |
Eyelash | پلک | palak |
Nostril | نتھنا | nathna |
Moustache | مونچ | moonch |
Beard | داڑھی | darhi |
Eyelid | پپوٹا | papota |
Lip | لب | lab |
Tooth | دانت | dant |
Tounge | زبان | zaban |
Chest | چھاتی | chaati |
Armpit | بغل | bagal |
Arm | بازو | bazoo |
Nipple | چوچی | chochi |
Forearm | بازو کا اگلا حصہ | bazoo ka agla hisa |
Wrist | کلائی | kalaie |
Hand | ہاتھ | hath |
Thumb | انگوٹھا | angootha |
Finger | انگلی | ungli |
Abdomen | پیٹ | pait |
Navel | ناف | naaf |
Thigh | ران | raan |
Knee | گھٹنا | ghutna |
Leg | ٹانگ | taang |
Calf | پنڈلی | pindli |
Heel | ایڑی | aeri |
Ankle | ٹخنہ | takhna |
Foot | پیر | per |
Toe | پاؤں کا پنجہ | paon ka panja |
Back | پیٹھ | peeth |
Nape | گدی | gudi |
Elbow | کہنی | kehni |
Waist | کمر | kamar |
Palm | ہتھیلی | hatheli |
Buttocks | سرین | sireen |
Hip | کولہا | kolha |
Rib | پسلی | pasli |
Sole | پیر کا تلا | per ka tala |
Parts Of The Body With Image
Parts of the human body in English along with Urdu translation

Back Parts Of The Body With Image

Parts Of Face In English And Urdu With Image
Parts of the human face, including the head and shoulder

Parts Of Hand
Elements of hand with the name of all fingers

List Of Internal Body Parts
English | Urdu | Roman Urdu |
Heart | دل | dil |
Stomach | مادہ | mada |
Lungs | پھیپھڑے | phephre |
Intestine | انتڑی | antri |
Kidney | گردہ | gurda |
Brain | مغز | maghaz |
Liver | جگر | jiggar |
Bladder | مثانہ | masana |
Internal Body Parts Name With Pictures
Names of the internal organs of the human body in English along with Urdu translation

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Also, see interesting family members’ names in English and Urdu.
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