Household items that start with the letter H might not be something you think about often, but they’re actually all around us! From the kitchen to the bathroom, living room, bedroom, and even outdoor spaces, there are numerous items that fit this description. Here, I’ll explore some of these things around the house that begin with H.
Household items that start with H
- Hacksaw
- Hair spray
- Hair straightener
- Hairbrush
- Hairdryer
- Hairnet (for cooking)
- Hairpin
- Hall table
- Hallway
- Hammer
- Hammock
- Hand drill
- Hand mixer
- Hand sanitizer
- Hand soap
- Hand towel
- Hand warmer
- Handbag
- Hanger
- Hard drive (computer component)
- Hardware
- Hat
- Hatchet
- Hat stand
- Headboard
- Headphones
- Hearth (fireplace area)
- Heater
- Heating system
- Helmet
- Herb garden
- Herbicides (for gardening)
- Highchair
- Highlighter
- Hinge
- Hoe
- Holder
- Home office (room or area)
- Honey
- Hoodie
- Hook
- Hoover (brand of vacuum cleaner)
- Hose
- Hot tub
- Hot water heater
- Hotpot
- Hourglass
- House keys
- House mat
- Houseplants
- Humidifier
- Hurricane lamp (a type of lamp)
- Hutch (a piece of furniture)
- HVAC system (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
- Hygrometer
Things around the house that start with H

Easy things that start with letter “H”
Here are some common and easy things that begin with the letter “H” perfect for preschool.
- Halloween
- Hamburger
- Hamster
- Harmony (musical instrument)
- Hat
- Heart
- Helicopter
- Hen
- Hero
- Hide and seek
- Haircut
- Horn
- High-five
- Hippopotamus
- Hive (where bees live)
- Hockey
- Holiday
- Honey
- Hopscotch
- Hospital
- Hot air balloon
- Hot chocolate
- Hotel
- Hula hoop
- History

We hope that you will find this information helpful. If you want to discover more household items, you can find it here:
Household Items with I
Household Items with J
Household Items with K